Aesthetician Services


A non-invasive, transformative skin health treatment for the best skin of your life. Every Hydrafacial treatment uses patented technology to deeply cleanse, extract and hydrate the skin and can be customized further with personalized boosters, LED light therapy, and lymphatic drainage to address specific skin concerns. The results are immediate, pain-free and glowing, boosting confidence with no downtime. Various boosters and extra treatments can be added to each protocol.


Signature HydraFacial

Deeply cleanses, extracts, and hydrates the skin utilizing serums filled with antioxidants, peptides , and hyaluronic acid.

Deluxe HydraFacial

Enjoy all the essentials of the Signature HydraFacial while addressing specific skin concerns through the below boosters and customized protocols.

Age-Refinement - $250
Add Dermabuilder booster to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Radiance - $250
Add Britenol booster to help minimize the appearance of dark spots.

Clarifying - $250
This protocol includes extended manual extractions and blue LED light for oily or acne prone skin.

Restorative - $295
Add Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF) booster to improve the appearance of skin tone, texture, and elasticity.

Platinum HydraFacial

The ultimate HydraFacial. Begin the detoxification process with Lymphatic Drainage, followed by the signature facial. Address specific skin concerns with a booster of your choice and LED light therapy.


Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair and “peach fuzz” from your face.

Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and have a radiant “glow”.

Dermaplane - $75
Add-on price with HydraFacial
 - $40

Chemical Peels

Micro Peel 20 (superficial peel) - $125
Ideal for patients looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, dullness and skin imperfections. This peel includes Dermaplane. 

Micro Peel 30 (superficial peel) - $125
Ideal for patients looking to reduce acne and help improve skin texture, blotchiness and uneven skin tones.

Advanced Corrective Peel (superficial peel) - $150
deal for patients looking to diminish deep discoloration, helps improve uneven skin tones and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Jessner Peel (superficial peel) - $150
deal for patient looking to loosen and reduce acne, reduces the appearance of acne, softens fine line and wrinkles and lightens areas of skin discoloration.


About our esthetician

Kristen Blair

Kristen is a licensed esthetician. She can identify cosmetic skin conditions and determine the appropriate type of care to correct or improve the condition.

She offers HydraFacial, extractions, chemical peels, and dermaplaning, as well as skin care assessments to develop a unique routine for daily skin care.

Schedule your appointment with Kristen now!