Chemical Peels

Peels are a way to immediately resurface and improve the health of the skin. They are a tremendous way to address both the cosmetic and medical concerns associated with aging and sun damage.

Peels are recommended for skin rejuvenation, treatment of brown sunspots and melasma, fine to moderate wrinkles, acne and acne scarring, and the treatment of precancerous lesions and the prevention of certain types of skin cancer. Peels can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, lower legs and upper back. Often a series of peels may be necessary for best results.

Dr. Pickup is a member of the International Peel Society and has been extensively trained in utilizing peels to make tremendous changes to the skin. We offer a variety of peels from superficial to deep depending on the indication and the amount of down time that a patient is comfortable with.

Superficial Acne Peel

Salicylic acid 20% or Jessners peel are most often used. Can be repeated every 2-3 weeks for optimal improvement or control of acne or other follicular disorders (folliculitis, keratosis pilaris).

Jessner & Modified Jessner peel

Improves the appearance of minor hyperpigmentation, elasticity, and acne. Can be repeated in a series for best improvement.


Treats the signs of agin, improves skin texture, pigmentation, and any active acne. Produces good results without pain and has 2-3 days of predictable peeling. Can treat the face, neck, chest, and hands.


TCA Peels

Use various strengths to treat susnpots, melasma and photoaging. Can treat all parts of the body and can be applied as a “spot peel”.

Periocular Peels (around the eyes)

Various strengths of TCA to treat upper and lower eyelids for pigmentation, dark circles, crepiness of skin and fine wrinkles.

Cross TCA or Cross Carbolic Peel

Is for “ice-pick” and “box” acne scars for all skin types. Needs to be repeated 3-6 times with approximately 1 month between treatments.


Jessner + TCA 15% Peel

Addresses mild photoaging and pigmentation or melasma conditions. Two treatments are recommended with 6-8 weeks between them for best results.

Jessner + TCA 20% Peel

Addresses more significant photoaging and pigmentation.

Medium Depth Peels
(Montheit, Jessner + TCA 35% peel)

Treat facial photoaging including pigmentation, fine to moderate wrinkles, acne scarring and has been well researched for reducing and treating precancerous lesions and preventing keratinocyte carcinomas.


Hetter Lip Peel
(Phenol + croton oil peel)

Helps with photoaging and damage of the lips and leads to lip augmentation and eversion without fillers. Long lasting results are expected for > 2 years.

Hetter Segmental Peels
(Around the mouth, eyes or between brows)

Address photoaging including the treatment of moderate to severe wrinkles and acne scars. Long lasting results are expected for over 5-10 years.


 Chemical Peels Prices

  • Superficial Acne Peel - Face: $50 and up

  • Superficial Acne Peel  - Body: $150 and up

  • Spot Treatment: $150 and up

  • TCA Cross: $250 and up

  • TCA 10%-20%: $300 and up

  • ViPeel®: $400

  • Jessner Peel: $200 and up

  • Jessner + TCA 15%: $500-600

  • Jessner + TCA 20%: $850

  • Medium Depth Peel (Jessners + TCA 35%): $1100

  • Hetter Peel - Lip Line: $750

  • Hetter Peel Segmental - around the mouth or eyes: $1000 - $1600


We have appointments for new and established patients. Schedule yours now!